This article reminded me heavily of an essay I wrote regarding to ethics and technology where I compared a box of tangled necklaces to our current technological state. Everything is interwoven, so much so that we can't seem to completely understand how everything works in full. As time goes on, due to our hunger for things shiny and new, we continue to add to the mess without ever understanding it entirely. Bush is very Eager to develop new technology for organizing the information that already exists in order to speed up invention, but why would we add more necklaces to the mess before trying to untangle them?

Another topic discussed in the article is the idea of organizing information into data trails that replicate the way we think. Looking forward on today, many artificial intelligence machines seem to accomplish this pretty well. However, do we really know how the human brain works? We know a lot, but we don't know everything. Another question rises: how can we replicate something of which we don't understand entirely?

We are so eager for new technology and always assume it will progress us forward or help us in some way. This causes us to push new technology into the world without fully examining the repercussions. We are creating things we don't understand in a world we don't understand. To me, this article is an example of how our mindset around technological progress hasn't matured much, and how we continue to add to the impossible mess of technology.